Saturday, December 13, 2014
When data gets creepy: the secrets we don’t realise we’re giving away
When data gets creepy: the secrets we don’t realise we’re giving away - (JEH: Sometimes I post technology articles that will hopefully help others. We all need to be more careful sharing information online. I heard radio coverage the other day that reiterated what this UK-based article, equally applicable here, highlights: "An interesting side-effect of public data being indexed and searchable is that you only have to be sloppy once, for your privacy to be compromised.... Cameras -- especially phone cameras -- often store the location where the picture was taken in the picture data.... But if you get it wrong just once ... your home is marked on a map. All because you tweeted a photo of something funny your cat did, in your kitchen...." Please diligently check privacy settings on a routine basis.)