Saturday, March 24, 2012
The Rush to Avoid Gift Taxes
Family Value: The Rush to Avoid Gift Taxes - (JEH: This is an excellent, brief article on several key trust planning concepts related to the potential use of the current $5 million estate/gift/generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exemption. I have posted other articles on this topic over the past year or so. Many practitioners and commentators have suggested self-settled spendthrift trusts (also known as "domestic asset protection trusts" (DAPTs)), which this article highlights, as part of this type of planning. These trusts are generally not advisable for effective protective planning, but can indeed be useful in the context of making a completed gift for federal transfer tax purposes in this current exemption scenario because they offer added flexibility (though, again, likely little if any actual protection for the grantor(s) (also known as the settlors or makers of the trust)). If you are considering this type of planning, you should commence sooner rather than later. If you wait until November or December 2012, you will probably be too late.)